Quick update: We have moved twice since my last blog post and are now living in a rented lake house. The Lord has truly blessed us with this house! Hopefully, we will be living here for the next nine months...but who knows what God has in store? :)
Back to what my post is about...Gleanings for the Hungry. From the 21st to the 29th of August, many of the Foothills Household of Faith youth along with two wonderful adults, were in Dinuba, California for a missions trip.
Gleanings for the Hungry is a non-profit organization that processes food to send all around the world. It is not just a humanitarian project though; they send food to missionaries to give along with the Gospel! While we were there, we dried peaches and nectarines. It is a long process, but many hands make light work! :)
It was a wonderful experience; not only were we able to dry food that has and will continue to be sent all over the world, but I was able to meet many incredible people from other Household of Faith churches (it was Household of Faith week, so different teams from HOF branches were there). I have never experienced such incredible fellowship with other teenagers! The worship and chapel times were extraordinary! The Holy Spirit was and is definitely working there!
Well, enough said...here are the pictures!
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